5 Ways to Include Your Kids in Your Movement Practice So You Can Finally Get a Workout In

I like to think of my movement practice as a way to be with myself, with my body, and with my breath. I cherish those moments and take them with me throughout my day, in all that I do.

Movement is a lifelong practice, there is no finish line.

Each day, I aim to be more aware, feel centered both mentally and physically, and most importantly, I aim to feel good in my body, in the moment, and in my life.

Exercising with kids

Such internal reflection and mindfulness is best accomplished without interruption, however, after years committed to my practice, I have realized that the perfect conditions only exist in our dreams. Especially as a parent, those “me-time” moments of solitude are few and far between. It's easy to get so wrapped up in how things should be that we never even begin. Trust me, I know. But prioritizing the things that make you feel good and grounded is important because

you are important. 

Read that again.

Parenting self-care

So, the next time your kids are running circles around you, remember that this too will pass and you can make it work. Your “me-time” moments don't have to be long to be effective. Starting your mindful movement practice each day, regardless of how long or hard or how many interruptions there are, is enough to create a habit of taking care of yourself.

You may have little ones that demand more of you right now and that one-hour workout class seems impossible. 

That’s ok. 

There will be a day when you do have that time. 

But for now, just start.

moms need to prioritize their self-care

Including your kids into your mindful movement practice can be a fun and effective way to ensure you stick to your self-care commitment.

It also teaches them great lessons and habits about taking care of themselves. Win-win! 

Here are 5 of my favorite ways to include my daughter in my movement practice:

how to workout with kids

1. Help with set up.

Have fun setting up your studio. I ask her where we should put the mats, should we have a flameless candle nearby, any “friends” (toys) that want to join us. For meditation we create the absolute coziest nest or fort.

Kids exercising at home

2. Start with time for them.

What poses can she think of? Does she want to lead me in some exercises? How about a 5 minute dance party warm up!

Dedicate time for your self-care

3. Then it’s time for you.

I am very clear that this is now time for me to focus on myself. I tell her that I would love to have her join me or do her own moves but that I will be focusing on my body and breath. I never tell her she has to stay with me. She can go get books, play with toys, etc. When I am finished we will do (a project, color, etc) together.Typically she will be in and out of moving with me, going to play, then just coming to be next to me.

Kids distracting from self-care

4. Commit to finishing.

No matter how many times I get interrupted, I keep coming back to it. If I am doing a video I press pause and come back. I always come back. By doing this I have shown my daughter that I am committed to taking care of myself and although I can help get a snack, this time is nonnegotiable.

workout with your kids

5. Finish the practice together.

I cheer for myself when I finish (yes, I really do) and give high 5’s. I say thank you for giving me that time. Now I am ready to do x, y, and z with you.


Mamas, keep making time for you. 

Don’t feel guilty for it. 

You are worth it.

You need to fill yourself up before you can take care of everyone else. Your kids will see and take this practice in. Similarly to how you cook meals together and clean the house together, moving your body and taking care of yourself can become a routine about taking care of yourselves and the whole family. It may be a hard routine to start and it will be far from perfect, but stick with it. Keep showing up for yourself. Keep moving, and you'll keep moving forward. 

Let’s Move.
