Be Good to Yourself: A Lesson in Self-Care Every Busy Mom Need to Hear


We are still here, navigating these different times in a chaotic world. As I continue to hear about the uncertainty, the new normal, and the change that needs to happen, I continue to struggle with understanding what I can do to make a positive impact. I am not a doctor, or leader of a huge organization, I am just one person. And everything else feels so...huge. 

Be good to yourself.

This is what I keep coming back to. The energy out in the world is a lot to hold right now. 

Moms need to prioritize self-care

Be good to yourself. 

I know how it feels like there is not enough time in the day when you are balancing a full-time job and a full-time family. But, like a pebble in a lake, the ripple we create when we care for ourselves is bigger than we think. 

We need to make time to take care of ourselves. 

Only then can we show up as our best selves at work and at home.


Moving to feel good in your body is the starting point for beginning to feel good in our minds, our relationships and our lives. 


Mindful Movement with Maggie isn’t really about a workout, it’s about practicing being in your body. It's about practicing breathing in the moment, and moving in ways that feel good to you. Master these skills and you will find that they follow you throughout your day. They show up in the way you interact with your kids, in how you respond to work challenges, and even in the energy you send through your screen in a Zoom meeting. 

Self-care before breakfast

I dedicate my early mornings to self-care in an effort to bring light and positivity to my own little corner of the world. By taking an hour every morning to move my body and journal my thoughts, I can take ownership over my state of mind and have more control in leading with positivity as I move through my day. When I choose to wake up, breathe, and feel good, I am choosing to honor myself as well as the moment I find myself in. It is these moments of self-care where I find the confidence I need to keep going, and going, and going.

And, you can too.


So today, before you open your email, scramble the eggs or even start mentally scrolling through your to-do list, take a moment for you and

Be good to yourself.
