How Yoga Helps Kids' Physical Well-being

How Yoga Helps Kids' Physical Well-being

Kids Yoga is exercise routines uniquely designed to help children develop an awareness of their body and nurture important skills such as focus, relaxation, and mindfulness by introducing them to movement-based practices and poses that are best for growing bodies and presenting them in ways that they will understand.

Mindfulness Home Design 2022: Expert Tips to Inspire Mindfulness at Home

Mindfulness Home Design 2022: Expert Tips to Inspire Mindfulness at Home

We all strive to have a haven that brings us peace, security, and tranquility. However, amidst all the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities that pop up in our lives, oftentimes it can be hard to take a break, center ourselves, and focus on mindfulness.

5 Easy Moves to Improve Your Posture with Yoga and Breathwork

5 Easy Moves to Improve Your Posture with Yoga and Breathwork

From slouching over your phone and endlessly scrolling to picking up your kids in a funky way, our bodies are easily thrown out of whack. That’s why it’s so crucial to devote time and energy to improving your posture. With these five easy stretches, you can correct your posture, better your body alignment, and release all the tension built up throughout your body.

6 Tips to Heal Your Physical and Mental Self in Your Self-Care Routine

6 Tips to Heal Your Physical and Mental Self in Your Self-Care Routine

If you’re as obsessed with all things wellness like I am, you’re probably just as thrilled with how trendy “self care” has become recently. All the face masks, bath bombs, and affirmations are a wellness-entrepreneur’s dream come true! Although like me, you may have noticed many of these “self care tips” focus primarily on your outer shell, instead of healing your inner self. That’s why I’m sharing my go-to 6 tips to care for and tend to both our physical and mental wellbeing. Because a lot of times, we need more than a soak in the tub to feel and be our best selves.

Why You Should Set an Intention This Year Instead of a Resolution if You Want To Change the Way You Show Up

Why You Should Set an Intention This Year Instead of a Resolution if You Want To Change the Way You Show Up

2020 was one of the hardest years we’ve seen in decades. If this year has taught us anything, it’s that we must be flexible with our plans for the future. One of the kindest things we can do for ourselves is to show ourselves patience and understanding as we step into 2021. That’s why I’ve chosen to leave all the “new year, new me” and New Year’s resolutions behind and opt for a more sustainable, adaptive alternative: choosing a word that illustrates my intention for the year. By choosing one word that encompasses who I want to become and where I want to go in the next trip around the sun, I can center my reality around the bigger picture: become the very best version of myself.

This Virtual Mindfulness Platform Is Revolutionizing the Way Schools Support Students' Mental and Physical Well-Being

This Virtual Mindfulness Platform Is Revolutionizing the Way Schools Support Students' Mental and Physical Well-Being

Mindful Movement with Maggie introduces Mindful Classroom into its toolbox of wellness programs. Our mission with this new program is to create space in the classroom for kids to breathe, feel, and thrive. Mindful Classroom includes 9 video series, each set with a unique theme + coordinated interactive workbooks, standalone situational classes, and a grown-ups corner for educators and parents. Get unlimited access to our library of movement and mindfulness content to help your students develop critical social and emotional skills. We offer individual memberships, small groups, entire schools, or districts.

5 Ways to Include Your Kids in Your Movement Practice So You Can Finally Get a Workout In

5 Ways to Include Your Kids in Your Movement Practice So You Can Finally Get a Workout In

As a parent, starting your mindful movement practice each day regardless of how long or hard or how many times your kids interrupt you is enough to create a habit of taking care of yourself. Including your kids into your mindful movement practice can be a fun and effective way to ensure you stick to your self-care commitment. Here are 5 ways to include your kids in your exercise routine.

Be Good to Yourself: A Lesson in Self-Care Every Busy Mom Need to Hear

Be Good to Yourself: A Lesson in Self-Care Every Busy Mom Need to Hear

It’s hard to catch your breath when the world seems to be spinning out of control. The to-do lists never end and there are never enough hours in the day. Is balancing mom-life with work-life getting harder or is that just me? The reality is when we are climbing mountain-after-mountain, day-after-day, we need to be intentional about prioritizing our own self-care. Only then can we show up as our best selves at work and at home and continue working towards our biggest goals.

What Is Yoga for Kids and How Can Kids Benefit?

What Is Yoga for Kids and How Can Kids Benefit?

Kids Yoga is exercise routines uniquely designed to help children develop an awareness of their body and nurture important skills such as focus, relaxation, and mindfulness by introducing them to movement-based practices and poses that are best for growing bodies and presenting them in ways that they will understand.

How to Turn Your Physical Practice Into a Mental Practice and Come Out of COVID-19 Stronger and More in Tune With You

How to Turn Your Physical Practice Into a Mental Practice and Come Out of COVID-19 Stronger and More in Tune With You

In this era of COVID-19, shelter-in-places, and seemingly endless homeschooling, we are learning to move, shift, be fluid, be patient, and really sit with ourselves, both mentally and now physically. This human practice is reflected in my movement practice and vice versa; it is the manifestation of how I want to flow in my body, and the flow I want to reinforce in my life.

How To Build Moments of Joy Into Your New Routine

How To Build Moments of Joy Into Your New Routine

Between homeschooling, social distancing and trying to plan for a future that is unknown, tensions are high. I feel it, you feel it and that is why I have decided to take back control. Overcome your anxiety and feelings of frustration by making a Joy List of your own and be intentional about scheduling them into your routine, no matter how big or small they may be. Mental health is important and so are you.

5 Exercises to Improve Your Posture and Correct Your Alignment

5 Exercises to Improve Your Posture and Correct Your Alignment

Work, kids, candy crush, diaper bags, IKEA furniture and well… life can do serious damage to our bodies. As we spend half of our days sitting in front of a computer or staring at our phone and the other half lifting kids up and down, our posture and alignment pays the price. Spend 5 minutes a day doing these 5 exercises and strengthen your back, improve your posture and correct your alignment. You are worth it.

You Need to Calm Down: 5 Tips for Breathing Your Way Into a Positive Headspace

You Need to Calm Down: 5 Tips for Breathing Your Way Into a Positive Headspace

Want to know the secret to resetting your mindset? It’s breathing. Its amazing how something that is as vital to survival and natural in life as breathing is, needs reminding and practicing but it does and we do. Whether you are looking to reset your mindset, pick up some workout best practices, or feel grounded in the moment, these 5 tips and tricks for breathing during your exercise routine will have you feeling positive, energized and happy to be where you are, no matter where that is.

New Year, Just Start

Wow, here we are in 2020. A new year, a new decade, and a great time to start fresh. I have to say, I love this time of year, you’ve put away all the holiday stuff and hopefully have had some downtime to recuperate from the past month of busyness. I hope that you’ve been able to take some time to reflect on the past year, and to start to dreamcast for the year to come.

This is a big month for resolutions, and although I am a dream-caster, I don’t personally make resolutions. I don’t think we need a new year to decide to take care of ourselves and try to make these giant changes when in the back of our mind we know they won’t stick. A resolution to me is like a wish and I have rarely met someone starting in the gym January 1st that is still there in March. If fitness, health (mental and physical), and vitality is something you want to create this year, then you need to find your why.

What is the purpose driving you?

Do you have huge plans that require you to be in the best health of your life? Do you have young children running circles around you and just need the mental space to feel like yourself? Maybe you’ve had an injury that you are coming back from and want to work towards mobility and strength so you can truly feel good every morning. When you look to your purpose, your why, you will find more motivation to get up and move every day. 

Another thing I love to do is visualize my why by creating a vision board. I do this multiple times a year and it’s something that creates a visual of the things I want to do, how I want to feel, and who I want to be. Sometimes we have a fuzzy idea of these things, but looking through magazines and cutting out pictures really makes it feel more real and solid. If you’ve never done a dreamboard, there are thousands of articles to google.

This one from the Chopra Center takes you through it.

But now, once you have dreamt and created a real vision, you need to get going. Today is the day you begin. You just start. You press play and move your body. You drink more water. You go to bed a little earlier. You start on that big project. You just start. You don’t have to reach your goal today, all you have to do is start. And then start again. And start again. And when you’ve done that 365 times, just think of what your next new year will look like.

just start

Friends, overall what I want you to remember is that every week, every day, is a fresh beginning. It is a gift to have a body that can move. The things that you want to do in your life, that you want to be, these things are real and important. Following what is in your heart will make you more of who you are. It’s hard work to show up every day, but you can do it. Every day is a chance to re-define your purpose.

All you have to do is start. Just start.

Here’s to an amazing 2020 moving together.

6 Ways to Incorporate Mindful Movement Into Your Day

6 Ways to Incorporate Mindful Movement Into Your Day

In our busy lives it can feel like we are being pulled in a hundred different directions and before we know it another day has flown by. Mindful Movement is a practice of self-care. Integrating it into your routine can help you take back control of your day and your body. Try these 6 tips to find your mindful moments every single day.