6 Ways to Incorporate Mindful Movement Into Your Day

In our busy lives it can feel like we are being pulled in a hundred different directions and before we know it another day has flown by. Mindful Movement is not just a workout, it is a lifestyle. It is a practice of self-care; being present in where you are, what you are doing, and how you are doing throughout your day. Integrating a Mindful Movement practice into your routine can help you take back control of your day and your body.

6 Ways to Incorporate Mindful Movement Into Your Day

Morning Workout Routine

1. Mornings Are for Moving

Start your day with movement. One of my favorite authors and speakers says “Move your Body, Change your mind.” Yes! When you start your day with some type of movement or exercise, you literally change the way you feel and you think. You start to build positive energy in your body that you can tap into throughout the day.

Be Still

2. Sit in Stillness

I feel that the best way to really be able to embrace a few moments of stillness is right after finishing your workout or movement. Put on some calm music, maybe a 2 or 3 minute song and just SIT STILL. Start small and with practice you will start to crave longer periods of this. I call it a mindful moment. You don’t need to do anything fancy, just breathe and do your best to be still.

How to Practice Gratitude

3. Practice Gratitude

Write down something you are grateful for every morning or right before you go to bed. Try writing something small and specific and then really take in that gratitude, try to feel it in your body.

Put your phone down and eat

4. Sit down while you eat.

This is a hard one for me and I’m sure you do it too! You are cleaning up, helping the kids, and eating on your feet. Create a practice of making a plate and sitting down. This is the time to take a break and check out. If you are at the office, try to get up from your desk and eat lunch somewhere else. Let meal time be a time to relax and reset. Or a time to be present and connect with your family.

Mindful Music - Funkytown

5. Play Music

Being mindful doesn’t always have to mean being still and quiet. If you are in a funk or starting to feel a sense of overwhelm or anxiety, turn on your favorite feel good music. Or if you are with your kids crank up Frozen 2 and move your body! Even when you are tired. It will always make you feel better!

Make a Bedtime Routine


Create a Bedtime Routine

Pick a couple of things that really feel relaxing or indulgent but that help you connect with yourself. So no, watching Netflix or scrolling IG doesn’t count. Put your phone down. Maybe read for 10 minutes. A couple of my favorite nighttime rituals are myofascial rolling (post on this coming soon!) and stretching, finishing with legs up the wall.


It’s important to remember that to be mindful and present is a constant practice. It’s fluid. Some days you will feel centered and grounded and some days you won’t and that’s ok. Keep going. And every time you think of it take a deep breath and just start again.

Do you have a favorite way to incorporate mindful movement into your day? I’d love to hear it! Share your tricks with me on facebook or Instagram!

Let’s Move!
